速報APP / 教育 / Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sikar, Rajasthan, INDIA

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे C(圖1)-速報App

इस App का लक्ष्य उन सभी students और IT professionals की help करना है जो computer science और IT के field में नए है और नए नए subjects को समझने का प्रयास कर रहे है। यँहा पर आपको computer science और IT tutorials streams से related सभी subjects की tutorials Hindi में provide की गयी है। इस में सभी tutorials हिंदी में दी गयी है। हिंदी में आप आसानी से और जल्दी समझ सकते है।


Introduction to C

Characteristics & Features of C

Limitations of C

Applications of C

A simple C program

C Tokens, Identifiers & Keywords

Introduction to C tokens

C character set

C Identifiers

C keywords

C Data Types

Introduction to C data types

Different C data types

Integer type

Floating point type

Char type

C variables & constants

Introduction to C variables

Creating C variables

Scope of C variables

Introduction to C constants

First C program

C program development life cycle

Structure of a C program

Your First C program explained

C Flow Chart

Introduction to flow chart

Symbols of flow chart

Examples of flow chart

C operators

Introduction to C operators

Types of C operators

Arithmetic operators

Relational operators

Logical operators

Bit wise operators

Assignment operators

Conditional operator

Increment/Decrements operators

Special C operators

C Decision Making

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे C(圖2)-速報App

Introduction to C decision making

C If statement

C If else statement

C switch statement

C Looping

Introduction to C language looping

C language while loop

C language do-while loop

C language for loop

C Arrays

Introduction to C arrays

Declaring C arrays

Initializing C arrays

Accessing elements of C arrays

C Strings

Introduction to C strings

Initializing C string

gets and puts functions of C strings

Different C string functions

C Functions

Introduction to C functions

C predefined & user defined functions

Advantages of using C functions

Creating & using C functions

Function declaration

Function definition

Function parameters

Function call

C Structures

Introduction to C structures

Defining a C structure

Creating structure variables

Accessing C structure variables

C Unions

Introduction to C unions

Defining C unions

Accessing members of C unions

C Recursion

Introduction to C recursion

Types of C recursion

Examples of C recursion

C Pointers

Introduction to C pointers

Advantages of pointers

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे C(圖3)-速報App

Disadvantages of pointers

Declaring C pointers

Initializing C pointers

Operators used with C pointers

A complete c pointers Example

C Type Casting

Introduction to C type casting

Implicit type conversion

Explicit type conversion or type casting

C Storage Classes

Introduction to C storage classes

C auto storage class

C register storage class

C static storage class

C extern storage class

C Console I/O

Introduction to C console I/O

Different C console I/O functions

C File Handling

Introduction to C file handling

Opening a file using C language

Closing a file using C language

Reading from a file using C language

Writing to a file using C language

C Error Handling

Introduction to C error handling

perror() function for C error handling

strerror() function for C error handling

errorno variable for C error handling

C Header Files

Introduction to C header files

Types of header files

Creating your C header files

Using header files in C program

C Preprocessors Directives

Introduction to C preprocessor directives

Different types of C preprocessor directives

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Surendra Kumar, Suresh Ola

Suren ICT Tech Lab

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे C(圖4)-速報App

Sikar (Raj) India

Learn C language in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे C(圖5)-速報App